Investors Newsletter – Volume 9 | House Academy

Investors Newsletter – Volume 9

The end of 2019 is right around the corner...If you're like us, you're spending some time thinking about 2019 and making your plans and setting goals for 2020. We've been working on big deals, have made some even bigger changes to Land Academy, and - biggest of all - have NeighborScoop arriving very shortly. (more on all of that below!)

end of 2019 is right around the corner…

If you’re like us, you’re spending some time thinking about 2019
and making your plans and setting goals for 2020.

We’ve been working on big deals, have made some even bigger
changes to Land Academy, and – biggest of all – have NeighborScoop arriving
very shortly. (more on all of that below!)

It’s never too late – whether it’s getting started in real
estate, ramping up your business, or anything else! Join us in finishing this
year strong and setting the tone for an amazing 2020.

We hope you have a special holiday time with friends and family,
and can’t wait to pick back up in January.

Don’t forget to check out our Facebook Groups (LAND) (HOUSES) to connect with
like-minded investors, ask questions, create partnerships, and more!

As always, this newsletter
is for you. Read it, bookmark it, share it, and feel free to let us know if you
have any feedback, content suggestions, or questions!

“How to Build Your Career with Access to

by Steven Jack Butala

Imagine you are sitting at your desk mining for gems your hard-earned deal flow. Your vacant land offer campaign machine is running nicely in second gear and you

have a dozen or so transactions under your belt and $20,000
in the bank allocated for the next acquisitions.

Now image your bank balance is $2,000,000.

What would you change in your daily acquisition / sales
operation? What other resources would you need to effectively spend that money
to insure a healthy return on investment? Would you hire and assistant? Which
tasks would you outsource, if any?

The truth is, you have access to $2M right now, today. No
matter where you are in your career, the quality of the real estate deals you
secure is the only thing that matters to your money partners. It’s the key to
accessing your 2 million.

Chances are, in your stack of purchase agreements, you have
a property that you can purchase for half of what it’s currently worth. You
have complete control over the quality of transactions you create through the
offers you send to owners. In short order you could have 100 purchase
agreements fit this description.

You simply post those properties on, and (Deal Board) to access the capital.

100 land transactions with an average purchase price of
20,000 = $2M. If the average sale price is $40,000 you have created $2M of
equity half of which is yours and a life-time partnership with the money person
who has the other million dollars.

You job is to find those transactions with well thought out
offer campaigns. Everything else will fall in place with your organizational
effort and direction.

Have a great 2020.

Offers2Owners had a RECORD month.

Land Investors Newsletter Offers2Owners Report by Umar

Stay tuned for some great Offers2Owners site updates coming
your way, and don’t forget that Smart Pricing Service (SPS) is now just

With more and more mail going out, we are also seeing more
mistakes in mailings. Luckily these are easily fixed, but we want to take a
look into the Offers2Owners blog archives to bring you some information on the
most common mistakes we see.

“… Most of the common misconceptions about direct
mail derive from the lack of knowledge about setting up a successful campaign,
the data, the numbers, the templates, and more. There are certain steps that
need to be taken and also a certain amount of knowledge possessed in order to
receive a good response rate.

Some of the most common mistakes we see in submitted mailers
include spelling errors, spacing errors, and reoccurring or incorrect numbers.
These can occur at any stage of the campaign, starting from the initial editing
of your letter template to an issue occurring post merging.

If you are using a well–written template, you are less
likely to have spelling mistakes, specifically when you double check all your
additions and changes made to the template itself. The spacing errors can occur
due to long lines of data being picked up and these could include long Legal Descriptions,
Assessor Parcel Numbers etc. The spacing can sometimes add an extra page and
move important information you may have to places that are not easily visible
to your recipient. You can avoid this error by making sure all your information
is on the same page(s) as when you first started setting it up and shortening
some of this data in your data spreadsheet.” (Read


We’re Officially CAPPING Land Academy Enrollment

You heard it here first!

have successfully created an impressive group of extremely intelligent
investors and we are together growing our businesses. We are all funding
other members’ deals, working together to take down large transactions,
and creating sub-groups to specialize in other profitable niches.

And we are going to cap it at 500.

What does that mean to you?

have about 17 openings – and then we are closed. Once full, we will
create a wait-list for when there are openings. (Life happens and people
do move on at times.)

If you’re not a member and interested in joining before we reach our cap, schedule a call with us or email us at for more information and a special deal!

Member Announcements


You can now schedule 30 min consulting calls with our very
own Moderator Kevin Farrell!

You can schedule a 30 min call with Kevin by going to Land Academy under “tools” or looking on the right-hand side of LandInvestors (look for the box like the one to the right here!)

You can pick Kevin’s brain – he’s here for anything from
deal reviews to where to start with your land business. We love Kevin, and
we’re sure you will too.

Just click the link and schedule your call today!

Funding Partners List Coming Soon

We are currently creating a list of funding partners to share among members. This will just be another way to create partnerships and secure funding – because money should never stand in the way of a good deal.

Once compiled it will be released to members in January.

NeighborScoop is coming!

If you haven’t heard us slowly leaking more information, I
think we’re about to blow your mind a bit. Built as a HUGE step up from
ParcelFact, NeighborScoop is our latest site development – and it’s a game

Imagine being able to draw a polygon around any area big or
small and instantly pull all of the information on that property – and we mean
ALL – including PHONE NUMBERS.

Now imagine bing able to type in a property and click around
to all neighboring properties and instantly get all of the phone numbers for
those properties.

These are just a few of the things that NeighborScoop is capable of. I’m sure you’re already just as excited as we are about this, and we can’t wait to share it with you! Watch for announcements in January.

Here’s a video from Steven and Jill where they spend some time discussing the value and importance of having owner’s phone numbers.

Land Investors Newsletter Tech Talk by Molly Bendell

A NEW is in the works!

have all been so patient with us as we’ve performed maintenance on We are excited to announce that a brand new LandPin will be
released in January 2020.

new site will have a robust storage capacity, improved search
functionality, and better seller profiles. All designed to make your
experience selling land positive and profitable.
Our membership teams will be in touch with updates regarding your
current listings and what the plans are for the transition to the new


New Marketing Platform?

from Joey Chavez

Many of our Land Academy members experiment with innovative
marketing ideas. Some experiment with the organic content, ads, placement,
platform, etc.

A new platform that some of our members are experimenting
with is Tik Tok.

Tik Tok is rising social media platform. It is meant as a
short-form mobile video destination.

As most social media platforms begin, the kids are always
the first to embrace the platform and the adults are usually late to catch on.
But it is still not too late. It is still early in the game to create a profile
and market your land.

Tik Tok can be used a great funnel to your website as well.
Some of our members have successfully sold properties on Tik Tok.

Here are some of our members that are on Tik Tok:

@landio @savvylandusa @peacock_ac

Here are some amazing stats:

Land Academy Member: Luke Smith


Following: 48

Followers: 17.7k

Likes: 131.1K

Top Video

Video Posting Date: 12/1/2019

Views: 1.1 Million

Likes: 47.7K

Comments: 539

Shares: 3198

Join our Facebook Groups!

Land Academy: Real Estate Investing (Land Academy)

House Academy: Real Estate Investing (House Academy)

Join our Facebook Groups!


Land Academy: Real Estate Investing (Land Academy)

House Academy: Real Estate Investing (House Academy)

This month’s question came from Aroldo over on LandInvestors. He asks –

“For our first mailer should we keep the letter exactly as the download on Offers2Owners? I think it’s all great especially for the sentence that says, ‘We are partners with who have been in business for 20 plus years, and have successfully completed 10s of thousands of purchases like this one.’ I think that would help us with credibility. My gut just tells me to keep it simple and to just send it as it is to make it easy on myself. Any thoughts?”

Check out Steven and Jill’s answer HERE.

Our member spotlight this month is Andy Barnhart. Andy has been a member with us for almost four years now!

We enjoyed having him at the live event learning more about his success and how he’s really made this business his own and found his niche.

Andy was on the pursuit of his real estate license he stumbled upon Land Academy and hasn’t looked back.

See how Andy went to from 60k at his part-time job to well over 300k his second year.

Click HERE to Watch the rest of his interview.

Check out our December Favorite YouTube Video!

a sneak peek into one of our closed member calls where Steven &
Jill show you how to buy an Infill Lot below market value!

Watch Jill talk to a seller about how the closing process works and explain the differences between a self-close and using a title company. You might really learn something – our team sure did!

Land Investors Newsletter The Podcast Connection

Our House Academy podcast is BACK!

After a temporary hiatus (two full-time podcasts is a lot more work than we thought!) we’re back and better than ever. Our land podcast will still air five days a week (Monday-Friday) and our house podcast will air two days a week to start (Tuesday and Thursday). Let us know if you like it and if we should add more weekly!

Check out the relaunched housing podcast TOMORROW HERE.

Our House Academy podcast is BACK!

As I’m sure you’re aware, we currently have TWO podcasts so you can catch us every week day. Our land podcast airs Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Our housing podcast airs Tuesdays and Thursdays. While they’re separate podcasts, there is a TON of overlap on information so make sure you check them both out!

If you aren’t a member yet – why not? We would love to have you “in our corner.” Visit or for more information on joining or to schedule a call with our team.

If you want an opportunity to attend one of the weekly closed member calls to get a taste of what we’re about, send an email to