Investors Newsletter – Volume 37

A Message From the Offers2Owners Team

Offers2Owners Numbers:
Mail Sent In July 2022: 612,977
Properties Purchased: 1,549
Data Pulled: 617,209
*****Important message from O2O*****
Concierge Data:
We want to provide everyone with an update on “Concierge Data” our Scrubbing and Pricing service. As of now we’re updating the product, training new staff on new/updated pricing and scrubbing methods, and finalizing a new variation of Concierge Data which will take loads of work off of your hands.
We hope to reopen ordering for everyone by the end of July or the first week of August – Look out for an email from us!
If you have any questions or concerns, please email us at
Want to know your Offers2Owners Prepaid Mailer Balance?
Send an email to & a member of our team will provide you with an account breakdown within one business day.

If you have questions, or need help getting started?

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Land Academy: Real Estate Investing (Land Academy)
House Academy: Real Estate Investing (House Academy)
Offer2Owners: Offers2Owners Group

Tony wrote, looking to get estimated selling price per acre in blank county Texas. They do not have many properties for sale and have a few signed purchase agreements most of the properties are between 6 and 12 acres. any support or experience for selling in this county is appreciated. Listen to Jack and Jill give Tony advice on how to dig deeper for data.

This months Member Spotlight is Josiah Ronco. He’s a young Floridan who came to us through Career Path and he’s crushing it. He was laid off and joined a different land education program, before finding him community within Land Academy. Watch Josiah talk about his journey from conservative priced mailers to be on his way to net a million this year!
Don’t miss out on Land Academy’s Discord Group Chat!
The link to join the discord group chat is in your welcome email.
If you lost your welcome email don’t worry, just email support and they will send you the Discord link. We also have Discord chats for the members-only women group and the accountability group.
If you haven’t joined in, then what are you waiting for? Our email is
Have Suggestions for Membership?
- Is there a site or tool you use that you think we should add?
- Want us to develop a certain type of tool?
- Is there something missing from our current sites that you want added?
- Have specific content ideas?
We’re all ears! We’re always adding to membership and improving on what we always have, and we know that you have great ideas!
You can always email us at with any suggestions or ideas.

If you aren’t a member yet – why not? We would love to have you “in our corner.” Visit or for more information on joining or to schedule a call with our team.
If you want an opportunity to attend one of the weekly closed member calls to get a taste of what we’re about, send an email to
Team Land Academy