Investors Newsletter – Volume 13

Happy Birthday – to me!
This newsletter marks ONE YEAR of publications, and it sure has flown by! We love all of the positive feedback we’ve received over the past year, and we have no plans of slowing down.
If you’re like us, the month change came as a HUGE reminder that we’re now one-quarter of the way through 2020! Now is a great time to reflect on where you are in your year, reassess your goals, and most importantly – send out mail!
I know we sound like a broken record, but so much has happened in the past month and we have so much great information to share here, including site updates, brand new releases, and things to help you on your journey to financial freedom.
Don’t forget to check out our Facebook Groups (LAND) (HOUSES) to connect with like-minded investors, ask questions, create partnerships, and more!
As always, this newsletter is for you. Read it, bookmark it, share it, and feel free to let us know if you have any feedback, content suggestions, or questions!
We have been going live with some of our advanced members to talk about how we’re running our businesses now and why this is a better time than ever to invest! Check out interviews with Luke Smith and Liz and Aaron English above.
Save on your mailers next week with O2O!
April 27th – May 1st
10% Off Docs Ready and Full Service Orders
Minimum 1000 Units

NeighborScoop Changed My Life
by Erin
Last Friday we released one of our most exciting new tools to date, NeighborScoop, and it truly has changed all of our lives here at Land Academy and House Academy. If you’re in our world, I’m sure you’ve seen us using it in demonstrating it and to be frank – teasing our members with it for quite a while. It’s finally here and released to the public, and it really is “ParcelFact on steroids” as Steven likes to say.
Here are some of the things you can now do with NeighborScoop –
- The ability to draw a polygon ANYWHERE in the country and download 300+ property details INCLUDING owner name, address, and phone number.
- Immediate owner phone numbers.
- Full parcel map outline for all covered parcels – no more guessing at property boundaries!
- The ability to click around and write down all neighbor information as well – including phone numbers.
- FEMA flood map overlay.
- KML to Google Earth Pro feature.
- Multiple map views and layers.
- PLUS – we’re constantly adding new features!
One of the most incredible never-before-seen items we included in NeighborScoop is phone number access. You can type in any address or APN and get the owner (and/or renter!) phone number information immediately. You can also click around to all of the neighboring parcels and instantly get the phone number information for them as well – for free! (up to 1000 phone numbers free/month). This is huge.
We’ve also introduced the KML to Google Earth feature so you can instantly plot all property points in Google Earth. NeighborScoop also has an expanded FEMA flood map overlay, map views and layers, and the same full parcel map outlines that you loved in ParcelFact.
While access to phone numbers is definitely the most popular new feature, my favorite has to be the polygon data download ability. With NeighborScoop access you quite literally do not need to use RealQuest, DataTree, or TitlePRO any longer. Now you can draw a polygon around an area (no limits to how small or big) and instantly download all of the property facts into an Excel sheet. It will have owner name, address, phone number and over THREE-HUNDRED other lines of assessor data information. This is huge. Over at Land Academy we love neighbor letters – and they’ve never been easier to send out.
As I’m sure you can imagine, the uses for NeighborScoop are endless. We’re constantly discovering new ways to use it, and our members are showing us even more ways that it is changing their lives. One thing that we’ve discussed internally is using NeighborScoop before passing on any deal – now it’s too easy to pull up the neighbors of a property that might be deemed less than desirable and offer it to them first. This tool is quite literally changing how we do business – and as a byproduct our lives.
Check out NeighborScoop if you haven’t already and let us know what you think! We’re constantly adding to it and updating it with more exciting features, and we would love any feedback you have to continue to better it. If you haven’t tried NeighborScoop yet and want a special deal for your first month, email me at and I can “hook you up.”
Check NeighborScoop out HERE.

We’ve been making a few updates across the member sites, in an effort to improve ease of use and keep things fresh for our members.
We addressed some issues with the way deeds populate on The Member Dashboard and Member Guide got an overhaul and redesign. You can find your Member Guide on now, without leaving the site.
We also did some spring cleaning on
Hope you like the new changes and let us know if you have any questions or feedback!
Want a sneak peek into our member calls? Watch Steven and Jill review a member’s deal here.
Not a member but ready to sit in in a call? You can request a one-time invite to our CLOSED member calls by emailing to attend a Land Academy call or to attend a House Academy call. (or both!)

A Message From the the Offers2Owners Team
I would like to thank you all for your continued support and checking in with our amazing customer support team during these times. We are still fully operational and open for business!
As you all already know we have revamped and refreshed the new document dashboard. You can now approve make changes and upload documents all within one place. With the new Document Dashboard, you will now know exactly where your order is throughout the entire process, you are notified along the way all the way up to Mailed.
We’ve also released a new product neighbor letters, we know you enjoyed sending them with your Docs Ready orders, so we decided to give them their own place and there’s no minimum! We also added two new free Land and SFR Letter Templates to use and to make your own.
You can find instructions on how to use your new document dashboard within your document dashboard.
O2O New Document Dashboard – Land Investors
New and Improved Sites
You may have noticed that we’ve been updating our sites and making things easier to use. Here are a few sites with new updates that you should check out.
DeedPerfect is a site that creates ready to record deeds in minutes. Our simple online form will collect basic information about the transaction and instantly generate a document that is ready for signature and filing. In addition, we will provide you with any known supplementary forms that may be required to accompany the deed upon filing.
DeedPerfect has a redesign, performance enhancements, and bug fixes (members – ALL of the previous issues you were seeing are SOLVED!)
LandInvestors is an incredibly valuable tool for newcomers (and old-timers alike) to bounce ideas off other (like-minded) investors, ask questions, share concepts, etc. It’s a remarkably symbiotic community that everyone gets a lot out of. This forum-based site has a wealth of archived information and is a great place to go to with questions. Steven, Jill, our moderator Kevin, and our staff are all there answering questions and collaborating.
We have updated the site, made things easier to find, solved bugs, and more. If you haven’t already signed up for LandInvestors – what are you waiting for? It’s free!
Member Updates!
Get Your Questions Answered!
Schedule 30 min consulting calls with our very own Moderator Kevin Farrell! Members can schedule a 30 min call with Kevin by going to LandAcademy under tools or looking on the right-hand side of LandInvestors.
For just a $100 you can pick Kevin’s brain, from deal reviews to where to start with your land business.
Just click the link below and schedule your call today!
Updated Member Dashboard
If you haven’t checked out your member dashboard lately – check it out! We streamlined the information, condensed and centralized tools, made it easier to find your member guide and education, and more! Take a look and let us know what you think!
Marketing Tips
Bringing Efficiency to Your Social Media
As land investors we always try to find the most efficient way to get things done. And if you are struggling with trying to find time to publish your social media updates, you may want to look into social media scheduling tools. This allows you to publish post when you are offline.
Depending on the type of content you post, you want to find a social media scheduling tool that can handle the type of content you would like to post and that can save you the most time.
With most of these tools you can schedule content minutes, hours, days, weeks and months in advance.
Here are some scheduling tools that you may want to look at to make you social media marketing more efficient:
– Creator Studio
– Hootsuite
– Buffer
– SproutSocial
– Sendible
Some of these tools can connect to multiple social media platforms such as: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest and etc. There are plenty of other scheduling tools out there as well you just have to determine which tool best fits your business.
– Marketing Team
Land Academy: Real Estate Investing (Land Academy)
House Academy: Real Estate Investing (House Academy)
Offer2Owners: Offers2Owners Group

This month’s question came from Joe
over on LandInvestors.
He’s brand new to the world of real estate, but he’s incredibly interested in learning about land investing!
Check out Steven and Jill’s answer HERE.
Check out Joe’s question HERE. Make sure you read the answers from our community – we love to hear their valuable input!

Business Magnate, Travis Jenkins is our Spot Light this month!
He has been a member since 2017 and is still our biggest client on Offers2Owners.
Watch Travis talk about how he’s using Land Academy the way Steven and Jill intended.
Listen to him and Steven talk about the importance of getting back up again. HERE.

Watch and listen to our podcast!
We currently have TWO podcasts so you can catch us every week day. Our land podcast airs Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Our housing podcast airs Tuesdays and Thursdays. While they’re separate podcasts, there is a TON of overlap on information so make sure you check them both out.
If you aren’t a member yet – why not? We would love to have you “in our corner.” Visit for more information on joining or to schedule a call with our team.
If you want an opportunity to attend one of the weekly closed member calls to get a taste of what we’re about, send an email to